As experienced worship leaders and church planters, the ADP team understands more than most the pain points of searching for a web designer or brand strategist who is effective yet understands the unique needs of a 501c ministry.

Faith-based marketing solutions for church plants & ministries.


When considering  a new website, most ministry leaders fall into one of two camps: 

1) They hire a marketing agency who is frankly clueless of how ministry works and implements expensive yet ineffective sales strategies to the website, or

2) They forego the agency and instead ask the wife or daughter of the ministry leader to start a website on SquareSpace where the language is more about the ministry and less about the clients those ministries exist to serve. 

Web Design Services


Don't settle for the worst of both worlds. Hire a qualified team with extensive ministry experience.

You exist to serve your community. Make that abundantly clear with a solid website and brand.

After planting two churches and working as a worship leader in three, I wrongly assumed this is just the way things are done - but I see now that this mentality was just poor stewardship. 

Scripture doesn't say we should cut corners and settle for mediocrity. It says we should do everything as unto the Lord, for His glory. 

Your website is often the first impression your clients or visitors will experience from your ministry. Don't let it be a lackluster one.

I've been there...

As a church plant or ministry, you should know your website is the first place people will go to see if you are a trustworthy and knowledgeable authority in your area. It will also be the first place potential donors go to see if they want to partner in your mission.

a new, faith-based marketing solution for web design and branding.


Sure, you're a ministry, but you still have to have a marketing strategy. Design is a gift the ADP team uses to help increase the reach and exposure of various ministries around the world. We can apply our giftings to your ministry to help you serve your community as well. 

Gorgeous Design


Even with a fabulous website, visitors will not know you exist unless there is some chance of finding you in the search results when they actively search for "church in [your area]." 

People are actively searching for what you have to offer. Make it easy for them to find you!

SEO-Optimization & Improved Rankings


We understand and love Planning Center, Church Center, and SubSplash. How many marketing companies have you spoken to that can say the same? 

Let us streamline your messaging and integrate these third-party platforms into your website so that you can capture and nurture every lead into an active volunteer or participant. 

Improved Systems and Communication


Okay, so you aren't necessarily selling something, but you're trying to lead a visitor or potential client to convert to a specific action. 

Traditional sales methods don't honor ministries in this way, but there still has to be a strategic customer journey to help your visitors get connected and plugged in. 

Strategic Customer Journey



Authentic growth that will only increase as time goes by. 

A place that adequately represents and markets your vision, talents, products, and services.

A growing email list FULL of local participants who actually want to hear from you.

Increased web traffic which leads to more visitors, donors, and volunteers.

How Does This Sound?

Sit back and relax while ADP curates a designer-worthy website worthy of your talents and services.

step four

You'll receive a custom contract, invoice, and Client Welcome Packet upon receipt of your first deposit so you'll know what to expect throughout the process.

step three

We'll meet to discuss the goals for your website, how you'd prefer to break up payment, and when you'd like to get started. 

step two

Fill out a quick form to gain access to my appointment calendar. Once submitted, I'll send you a questionnaire to fill out while I get you in the books.

step one



A year from now, you could be sitting in the exact position you find yourself in today 

reserve your spot

$1k in savings

  • All items included in the custom website package
  • A full brand identity ($3,500 value)
  • Core values & positioning statement
  • Full logo suite
  • Ideal client avatar
  • Industry analysis





  • Up to 5 fully optimized page designs
  • Blog setup and organization 
  • Standard On-Page Optimization
  • Competitive Research
  • Sync to Google My Business account
  • Optimize and geotag photos
  • Update URL & page titles to include keyword 
  • Wire frame and mockup approval prior to build Original copy for all pages
  • Sync site with Google Search Console & Analytics Sitemap Submission

most popular





ADP wants to partner in your ministry efforts by offering a 10% discount to all of our marketing services.

ADP can accommodate any website platform for a website of any size. Below are our base prices for our most popular website packages. If you're considering a rebrand in your future, combine these services for $1.5K in savings.

Popular Packages

Your vision and story accurately displayed so that your ideal customers can find and work with you.

A lead magnet with a 5-part email sequence to convert website visitors into buyers or clients.

SEO-savvy portfolio or product page templates so you can continue to improve your online rankings and drive more sales.

Photo and On-Page SEO optimization to drive Google traffic directly to your website.

2000 words of professional sales copy for your homepage which includes your vision, lead magnet, and a strong call to action.

A fully custom website designed specifically around the needs and vision of your unique brand.


Trust me. We get it.

ADP was first created to afford my family the ability to partner with church plants, adoptions, and participate more effectively in local ministry. We planted one church in Wilmington, NC and one in Fort Collins, CO. 

Today, my husband is on staff at our growing and thriving church where I serve with Jonathan, the UX and UI designer here at ADP, as a fellow worship leader. 

Jonathan has decades of experience under his belt as a worship pastor at a number of churches across the country. We understand, more than most, the beauty and frustrations that come with operating on a ministry budget that needs to accomplish big goals and big missions. 

Why ADP? We've got 2 church plants and decades of ministry under our belts.


"This is your day. This is the time to go after it all.

A CRM subscription is not included in this price since these typically require a monthly retainer, long after your website is complete. We will, however, provide coaching and recommendations of our favorite CRMs based on your industry and services. Also, many CRMs offer a discount for our clients so we'll be sure to share this info as well.

Does this price include an email marketing platform or CRM?

You bet! We provide additional services for copywriting, SEO, and keyword research to help you improve your Google rankings and serve your customers more effectively. 

Once the website is launched, I'll send you an email with descriptions of these services so you can decide which services you'd like to outsource and which you'd prefer to complete in house.

Will you help me grow and maintain my website after it has launched?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It helps Google know what you're all about and match your services with search queries typed into the Google search bar. 

Without SEO, you're at the mercy of relying solely on sharing your site via social media and paid advertisements. SEO brings organic traffic and makes Google do the work for you free from expensive advertising costs.

What is SEO and why is it important? 

WordPress, ShowIt, and SubSplash are three great contenders which make up about 95% of the websites we build - but we're open to suggestions if you have something else in mind!

Which website platform(s) do you work with or recommend?



$1k in savings





most popular





Popular Packages

My team and I place your goals and vision above all else. This means that while we may share best practices with you to improve your website traffic and conversion ratings, you're ultimately in control of your brand and we will do what we can to make sure your vision truly sings. 

No one understands your vision, products, and services more than you do. YOU are the secret sauce to this brand, and it's our job to make sure your customers can get a clear understanding of what you're all about. That's why we ensure every word and image is approved prior to uploading. 

Once your website is done, we'll provide a shoutout and a few backlinks to help bring some much-deserved awareness to your beautiful new site.


remember, you're in charge

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! Let's schedule a chat to discuss those concerns!

Still on the Fence?